Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blouse designs..

Hair protection while you sleep

  • Bend over. Yes. All the way forward
  • Gently gather hair like you’re making a ponytail on the top of your head.
  • Secure with scrunchie/elastic. Scruchie recommended. I can use a scrunchie and not twist it around again, just slip it on. The looser the better. The intent is to have it as loose as possible (to avoid a dent in the morning) while still securing hair.
  • Carefully straighten up. Hold the hair as you do so if it’s really loose.
  • Separate ponytail so you have half on one side of your head, half on the other.
  • (BONUS POINTS STEP) Add satin sleep cap.
  • Remove Scrunchie after 8 hours REM sleep. Spritz w/ H2O/condish and add product if desired. Admire pretty 2nd day curls. Rinse and repeat.

You might like to clip the ends of your pineapple to your head, or instead of leaving a ponytail, don’t pull ends all the way through to make a loose bun thing.
The most important thing to remember about pineapple-ing is to not tie your scrunchie too tightly. A lot of volume in the morning is a plus but a ponytail bump is not. Just slip the scrunchie around the base of the high ponytail once right before you lay down for the night. It may slip a little but your hair should still be protected. Don’t forget your satin pillowcase!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to dress in a sari

1. Determine the shoes that you plan to wear. The height of your heels is important for determining where the bottom of the sari should reach. Since some saris might be transparent, try to wear an underskirt too. The shoes should be elegant, like golden sandals.
2. Hold the sari so the fall is facing towards you. The fall is a long piece of unadorned cotton.

3.Wrap the sari around your waist and tuck it in once. The pallu (decorated side) should be on the outside.

 4. Wrap it around again, but don't tuck it in. Pull the pallu until it is as long as your outstretched arm when your arm is by your side. Tuck it over your shoulder.

5Tighten the cloth and tuck it in 3 to 4 inches to the left of your belly button.
6.Pleat it. Stretch your left hand and hold the cloth with your thumb and pinkie fingers. Wind the cloth with your right hand through the thumb and pinkie holding with alternating fingers. You should end with 5-6 pleats, but you can have more if your hands are small.
7. Tuck in your pleats. It is a good idea to pin the pleats together so that they stay in place the whole day. Generally speaking, 20 centimeters below the waist is a good basis.
8. Drape the remaining fabric around yourself from left to right, and over your shoulder.
9. Secure the end portion on your shoulder with a safety pin.
Get sari blouses of different styles, some of sexy ones which you can find on this blog.